Tiger woods

 Tiger Woods is 25th Masters Tournament is not going as he would like. Tiger just finished on the course right there at Augusta National with a bogey on 18 to finish with a 74. Two over par round for Woods who found some trouble early on in the 1st 9:00.

Bogey's on 3/5 and seven, but then started making his way back including birdies on the 2nd, 9 consecutive ones on 15 and 16 with a chance to get to even par fobey on 18 with a little bit of trouble in the bunker. We'll talk about that in just a little bit, but Tiger Woods will have to go low on Friday to be able to make the cut and get to the weekend. All right, we got a Rick game in here to break down. Tiger Woods is round on Tommy Tran, so.

Rick, give me a sense of tiger here. We'll talk about 18 in just a second. But but overall, what were your takeaways of tiger today? It wasn't very good. Tommy, I think Tiger will be the first one to tell you that from a from a physical standpoint, he looked to have that pronounced limp fairly early in the round. That's not something that we.

Necessarily saw around Riviera a couple of months ago where it looked like he was much stronger. I think that speaks a lot to the nature of this injury. And some days you're going to wake up and it's going to feel better than others. It's probably never going to feel great, but I think some days it's it's worse than other others. For tiger, from a from a golf standpoint, you know, early in his round it was very rusty. There was a lot of trouble with distance control both on his second shots and with his putter. He had two early 3 putts that really.

Really kind of stymied any momentum that he was able to put together and he did rebound just a bit. You know the back-to-back birdies on on 15 and and 16 were great. It looked like he was going to be able to to salvage things a little bit which I think he did avoid disaster for the most part here Tommy but you know 18 is a is a tough way to go out.

And Speaking of 18, he was unable to avoid disaster. Not only did he end up with it with a tough break that had him one leg into a bunker and one on the grass, and then he goes bunker to bunker here. What did you see here at the end here from Tiger?

Yeah, this is worst case scenario, Tommy. You see looking at him protecting that right leg immediately, you know he is he is hopping on that left leg in an attempt to take all the pressure off of the surgically repaired multiple times over ankle and right leg from his mood from that recent car crash. But it's not like the left leg is is any better, right. I mean that's a that's a knee and and a leg he's had a ton of procedures on. So it was a little bit unlucky for him to be stuck there where he has to put a lot of a lot of.

Energy and a lot of weight on that right leg in a very uneven lie that that's an unfortunate break and he ends up putting a a a bogey on the card there to shoot a a 2 / 74. It's not.

It's not over, right? He hasn't played himself out of this. I think anything closer to even par would have been a little bit a little bit better. But he needs to, he needs to make some more birdies on on Friday to to kind of get something going here. But this was unfortunately Tommy. This was the nicest day, at least weather wise we're probably going to get all week long. I would have liked to have seen Tiger take advantage of it and we've seen some guys, including his playing partners in his group, Victor Hovlin and Xander Schoffly take advantage again to your point of the weather. That's anticipated to get worse on Friday. So I think on one hand.

Yeah, that's right. If the forecast holds, we're kind of looking at the wind kicking up and rain coming in on on Friday afternoon and then Saturday. I mean almost looks like it could be a complete wash you see it, they're just 100% chance of rain and and a 30 degree drop in temperature. I think the the low key kind of secret thing here is, is tiger would probably benefit from Saturday being completely washed out. You know it. I don't know if they would ask them to play 36 holes on Sunday and try to complete this or just move it to a Monday finish, but if you could build.

Rest day in to a tournament that that helps Tiger Woods the most but but you're right Tommy this is going to be a pretty interesting next eighteen holes for tiger as he's he's going to have to play well and conditions are going to be much worse. One more thing before we wrap things up here with Tiger and it's a applies to both the masters and really all the majors because we know that's what matters to Tiger Woods it's something you reference a little bit rusty we know.

Ramping up to major tournaments. It's a question mark of how many PGA Tour events that he will play and that he'd actually need now because he knows Augusta National so well. The thought is he doesn't need a ton of ramp up for this tournament. But what do you think about Tiger having to then navigate some of these major tournaments and how much he maybe should play leading up to it?

This is the ultimate quandary that Tiger Woods is in. He has said throughout his entire career that he needs to play his way into competitive shape for major championships. Unfortunately, the state of his body does not allow him to play enough rounds, enough competitive rounds leading into major championships. He has to save all of that energy and all of that effort for those four days. So he's he's stuck here. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place. He cannot practice enough.

Especially to the point that he wants to. So when he gets into these major championships, he displays a lot of rust and just a lot of things that he could normally work out over the course of competition. So it's going to be a situation where he's going to have to catch lightning in a bottle. Tommy, I think he's going to have to get 4 good days with the the body not feeling the worst it's felt and and also be able to put a little magic together if he does expect to contend that another major championship in his career and what would be keeping tabs on Tiger Woods in between rounds.

At the masters, Sir, we're going to take a quick break. Rick certainly appreciate it. Don't go anywhere though. But again Tiger Woods's day is over at the masters. A 74, two over par for Tiger Woods and one note here again in a group with Xander Shockley and Victor Hovlin. Victor Hovlin 65 today the lowest round ever shot by a player when group with Tiger Woods at the Masters. That note coming from Justin Ray there.

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